Bring your presentation to life.
Nothing is more painful than a monologue… so you have to bring your presentations to life and add interactivity.
For example, this interactivity may involve questions to your audience (“And among you who do…”, “Currently you do how…”…).
Of course, the answers must move the speech forward in your direction, so avoid trapping yourself by giving yourself a stick to get beaten…
This is why the easiest way is to make an interactivity between two presenters: the first one makes the presentation, and the second one interrupts it from time to time to ask him questions that the listener would ask him (ex: “And if I use this product, it also works with…”, “And if I am XXXX it is also valid…”, “You mean that… even for…”.)
Of course this question being prepared, the other presenter can continue on the next slide or propose to see it just after….
This trick is by far the best way to make a presentation dynamic and preview the most common questions (as long as the interruptions are not too regular and they are not too “stupid”).
Marketing Tips: Offer a summary of your powerpoint to your listeners.
It is very difficult to take notes and listen at the same time.
To facilitate the work of your listeners, offer the powerpoint either at the beginning of the presentation (but in this case you may see them leaf through the document and break your surprise effect), or at the end of the presentation (but in this case they will be tempted to take notes anyway…).
Or simply indicate that they will receive by email the slides, that they will have a download link on the last slide….
However, do not give a “gift bag” (with product sheet, slides…) at the beginning of the presentation, but indicate that they will receive a gift at the end of the presentation.
On the one hand, it will encourage them to stay until the end, but above all it will prevent you from seeing them rummaging around in the pocket and playing with their gifts during your presentation…
Note: Giving a “gift” (goodie, USB key, discount code…) at the end of the presentation is important, because it allows your interlocutors to leave with a physical reminder of the presentation.
Marketing Tips: End with a question and answer session.
Although it is traditional in all presentations, make this exercise as enjoyable as possible. Visit this for more tips!
First, introduce this session with a pun (“now it’s up to you to talk”, “now could you give us your feedback”…) rather than announcing “the traditional question and answer session”.
Be careful not to make a question-and-answer session last too long: beyond the most general questions (usually it takes about ten minutes or 5 or 6 questions), then propose to continue the exchange between the participants over a drink during the closing cocktail.
Indeed, systematically if the question-and-answer session lasts too long, you will be entitled to the “question that kills” where you will be blocked or for which you will not be able to answer (generally listeners are polite enough to ask the “angry questions” in private, but if you give them the opportunity to “empty their bag”‘ you are very likely to provoke a sling against you on a detail, despite a very good presentation).
Marketing tip: Avoid last-minute stressful problems….
Everyone who makes regular presentations always tries to avoid last-minute technical problems that can spoil a presentation.
It is therefore necessary to check its presentation before leaving:
that the video projector works well with the PC, and therefore pay attention to resolution problems (some old video projectors only work in 1024 x 768… sometimes it is the switch from PC to video projector that does not work…
that you have a VGA or HDMI socket (provide an adapter!)
that the powerpoint presentation works well on another PC than his own: the fonts must be the same, the resolution must be the same, the links to videos work and the video codecs are installed correctly…
that there is no cable missing, that the laptop plug is not damaged, that the projector lamp is working….
that the powerpoint version is the same on your desktop and laptop PC….
prepare photocopies of the powerpoint at least 30 minutes before the presentation to avoid jammed photocopying problems, lack of paper or toner…
that the company you have with does not have a free WIFI and that the 4G is going badly
slides on Google Docs transferred to Powerpoint
In short, you must reduce the risk factors as much as possible by testing your equipment beforehand (i.e. the day before the trip to possibly face if you have to buy something at the last minute).
I advise you to always have the powerpoint presentation on USB stick, on Google Drive / Dropbox… to make sure it is accessible.