For founders and companies that choose a legal form that is registered in the commercial register, it is possible to use the so-called company name. The company name, unlike the business name, can also stand on its own.
If you are looking for a company name, you should consider how the company name can be protected and whether the company name does not infringe any name rights. If in doubt, it is best to discuss the company name with a lawyer.
A company name is possible with a commercial register entry
A company name can, for example, be used by merchants and corporations – i.e. companies registered in the commercial register. The company name is the name of the company under which the merchant conducts his business. This means that the company name is used for business transactions and identifies the business enterprise. However, the company name is also of considerable economic importance, because the company name can guarantee individuality and differentiation from other companies.
If you are looking for a company name, you should check whether the selected company name resembles or resembles existing company names. The company name is legally protected on the one hand by civil law when actually used. On the other hand, the company name is protected by commercial law after registration of the company in the commercial register. You can also protect your company name by registering it as a trademark at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA).
Search for company name: Own name or fantasy name
The company name can consist of different components:
The company name can contain your own name, for example “Müller OHG”.
The company name can also have a subject or activity name, for example “Müller’s Fitnessstudio OHG”.
Fantasy names are also an option for the company name.
The company name can also consist of a combination of personal, material and fantasy names.
However, the company name must always include the addition of the legal form of the company. If you are looking for a company name, the following aspects must be taken into account:
The company name should be distinctive and distinctive. It is important that the company name does not contain pure industry names for the subject or activity name.
The business relationships and contingent liabilities must be evident by the addition of the legal form in the company name.
The company name must not be misleading. A company name that contains terms such as institute, finance, bio, centre, bank or European is therefore often inadmissible.
Search for company name: Tips for finding a name
The company name is an important figurehead of your company. For this reason, business founders who are looking for a company name should research it carefully and find a comprehensive name. The following tips can help you if you are looking for a company name:
The company name should be easy to pronounce and remember.
The company name should be easy to understand and not ambiguous. Optimal is, if the company name conveys the customer use.
If you are looking for a company name, start browsing through word and term fields and set priorities. The company name can also be discussed in the team. The company name should also be checked for existing rights to other company names. Name generators can help you find the right company name.
The company NameRobot offers a name generator with which start-ups and companies can search for a company name or develop product and project names that are unique. From the first collection of ideas to the brand check, NameRobot offers several professional tools to help you find a company name.
Protect and verify your company name
If you are looking for a company name, make sure that the company name does not violate the name rights of existing companies. Trademarks that have already been registered can also lead to legal action against your company name.
Have the IHK check in good time whether your company name has not yet been assigned in the relevant register of the local court. The IHK can also conduct this search nationwide.
Business register
The company name is used by companies registered in the commercial register. Freelancers and companies which are not registered in the commercial register can use a business name for advertising purposes, among other things.